Pelham Tart

  • on March 1, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Raisins
1 Orange
1/2 tb Cornstarch
1 tb Cold Water
1/2 Lemon
1 tb Butter
1 c Crushed Pineapple
1 Egg
3/4 c Sugar

Cornstarch pastry, see recipe

Cut raisins into small pieces. Grate rind and extract juice of Orange and
lemon. Mix with pineapple and sugar then boil gently for 10 minutes. Mix
Cornstarch with cold water and add to first mixture, stirring constantly
until thickened. Add butter and cook five minutes. Remove from stove and
add egg slightly beaten. Roll pastry one-quarter inch thick and cut into
four-inch squares. Put a spoonful of the filling on one half of each,
moisten edges, and fold over other half. Press down on edges and prick top
will with a fork. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

From Modern Priscilla Cook Book (Year and author unknown)

This cookbook was given to Margie by her grandmother, She (her grandmother)
received it from her mother when she was married. We don’t know when or
where Margie’s g-grandmother got it. It is so old and worn that the pages
are starting to flake, and the front cover cannot be read so we don’t know
who wrote this one. There is also no dates or cover pages in the book.
Pastry in next recipe-Gary


6 Servings

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