Chef Freddy’s Strawberry-glazed Fruit Tart

  • on June 8, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 qt Strawberrys [cleaned
& halved] 1 cn Pineapple chunks [drained] 16 oz (jar) Strawberry glaze
1 9″ shortbread pie shell
1 tb Cinnamon/sugar

1) Prepare the pie shell according to the directions, for baking…
and sprinkle with tb of the cinnamon sugar before baking.

2) In a large bowl toss together the fruit slices and chunks, and
chill while the pie shell cools, then fold in the glaze…

3) Add the fruit mix to the pie shell being carefull not to over fill
it then sprinkle the additional cinnamon/sugar over the top…

4) Chill for at least 1 hour and preferably overnight, top with
whipped cream or your other desired topping and serve cold…

6 Servings

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