Chocolate Angel Nut Pie

  • on June 25, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

2 Egg whites
1/8 ts Cream of tartar
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Chopped pecans

1 c Semisweet chocolate pieces
3 tb Strong coffee
1 ts Vanilla
1 c Whipping cream; whipped

Beat egg whites nad cream of tartar until foamy in large bowl; add sugar, 1
tablespoon at a time, beating well after each addition, until meringue
stand in stiff peaks. Shape 4 tine puffs, about 1 tablespoon meringue each,
on an inverted 8 inch cake pan coverd with brown paper. Spread remaining
meringue over bottom and sides os buttereed 8 inch pie plate, making
meringue slightly higher around edge; sprinke with nuts. Bake shells and
puffs in very slow oven, 275 F. for 50-60 minutes, or until crisp and light
browned; let cool while making filling. Melt chocolate pieces in top of
double boiler over hot, not boiling, water; stir in coffee; cook stirring
constnatly, 5 minutes, or until thick, stir in vanilla. Whip cream until
stiff in large bowl; fold in chocolate mixture; pour into meringue shell;
chill 2-3 hours, or until filling is set enough to cut; garnish with
meringue puffs. Serve in small wedges, as this is a very rich pie. MC
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8 Servings

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