Chocolate Chiffon Pie

  • on July 17, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Flour
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 c Crisco
3 tb Sugar
2 tb Cocoa
3 tb Water — iced
1 pk Unflavored gelatin
1/4 c Water — cold
1/2 c Strong brewed coffee
6 oz Chocolate chips
4 Eggs — separated
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 ts Salt
1 ts Vanilla
Whipped cream for garnish

PASTRY SHELL: Put chilled dry ingredients in food processor. Add chilled
Crisco, process until resembles coarse meal. Gradually add iced water
through feed tube till dough holds together but is not wet or sticky—not
more than 30 seconds. Turn dough out onto saran, top with another piece of
saran, and flatten into a disc. Wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.
Roll between two pieces of waxed paper to fit a 10″ pie plate. Remove top
layer of waxed paper and place pastry onto pie plate. Remove paper, flute
edge, prick bottom with fork and bake at 450~ 10-12 minutes. Cool on a

FILLING: Soften gelatin in cold water 5 minutes. Heat chips and coffee in
double boiler until melted, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, add
gelatin, stir until dissolved. Beat egg yolks well. Add yolks, 1/4 C of the
sugar, salt and vanilla to chocolate. Beat egg whites till foamy. Gradually
add remaining 1/4 c sugar and beat till stiff. Fold into chocolate mixture,
pile lightly into shell. Chill until firm, top with Whipped Cream. Freezes
well and tastes great

8 Servings

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