Crustless French Apple Pie

  • on September 13, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

6 c Baking apples — sliced 4 ea Egg whites
1 1/4 ts Ground cinnamon 3/4 c Reduced-fat biscuit mix
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg 1/2 c Grape Nuts cereal
1 c Sugar 1/3 c Packed brown sugar
3/4 c Skim milk 2 tb Light margarine — softened
3/4 c Reduced-fat biscuit mix

Coat a 10-in. pie plate with nonstick cooking spray. In a bowl,
combine apples, cinnamon and nutmeg; place in pie plate. In a mixing
bowl, beat sugar, milk; biscuit mix and egg whites until smooth. Pour
over apples. Combine all streusel ingredients in a bowl; mix until
crumbly. Sprinkle over pie. Bake at 325 deg. for 70-75 minutes or
until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool. Yield: 8
servings. Nutritional Information: 305 calories, 375 mg sodium, 0
cholesterol, 67 gm carbohydrate, 5 gm protein, 3 gm fat

1 servings

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