Pie A La Italiana

  • on October 29, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 cn Pillsbury Refrigerated 12 oz Smoked Sausages — cut into
Crescent Rolls -1/4″ slices
8 oz Italian Or Monterey Jack 1/8 ts Salt
Cheese — cut into 1/2″ 1/8 ts Pepper
-cubes 1 tb Parmesan Cheese — grated
1 cn (12 Oz) Luncheon Meat (Spam) 2 Eggs — slightly beaten
— OR —

Open can; unroll dough and separate into 8 triangles. Place 5
triangles in ungreased 9-inch pie pan pressing pieces together to
form a crust. Reserve 3 triangles for top crust. Combine remaining
ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Pour into crust. Roll out each
remaining triangle so longest side is 9-inches. Cut into 1/2-inch
strips. Crisscross strips over filling to form a lattice top. Flute
edge. Bake at 325 F for 60 to 70 mins or until knife inserted
2-inches from edge comes out clean. Do not overbake. Cool 10 mins
before cutting into wedges.

1 servings

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