Perfect Pie Crust (lf)

  • on November 7, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c + 2 T all-purpose unbleached
1/4 c Whole-wheat flour;
3 tb Cold margarine; cut into
-small pieces
3 tb To 4 T ice water;
2 c Dried beans; washed, or
-pie weights;

Preheat oven to 450F. Lightly coat an 8-inch pie pan with nonstick
cooking spray. Combine 1/2 c of the unbleached flour with the whole
wheat flour in a bowl, or in a food processor bowl, and add the
margarine. In the bowl, use a fork to crumble the flour and margarine
into a coarse mixture. In the food processor, use the metal chopping
blade and pulse the machine 10-12 times to cut the margarine into
small pieces. As you form the mixture, add the ice water, 1 tbspoon
at a time, until the lumps appread moist. Transfer the dough to a
board, and lightly knead it for 1 minute. Form into a ball, place in
a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 10
minutes. Sprinkle the remaining 2 tbspoons of flour on a pastry board
and lightly coat the rolling pin with flour. On the floured board
roll the pie dough out in a circle slightly large than your pie pan.
Carefully transfer the dough to the prepared pie pan. Crimp the edges
of the dough against the rim of the pie pan. You can use this unbaked
pie shell in many recipes, except for fruit fillings. If you make a
fruit-filled pie, you must pre-bake the shell so the fruit juices
won’t make it soggy. To pre-bake it, cover the crust with tinfoil,
place 2 cups of clean beans or pie weights in the center of the
crust, and bake for 10 minutes. YIELD: Makes 1 8-inch pie shell –
Serving 8.

1 Servings

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