Apple Pie For A Crowd

  • on December 2, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/4 c Lemon Juice 1/2 ts Ground Allspice
10 lb Granny Smith Apples 2 1/2 tb Powdered Sugar
3 1/2 c (About) Granulated Sugar 1 1/2 c Butter Or Margarine, Cold
4 1/2 c (About) All-Purpose Flour 2 tb Solid Shortening
2 ts Ground Cinnamon 5 tb (To 7) Ice Water
1 ts Ground Ginger 1 lg Egg Yolk, Beaten With 2 Tsp
1/2 ts Ground Nutmeg Water

1. MAKE FILLING: In an 8-qt or larger bowl, mix lemon juice and 4 cups
water. Peel, core, and slice apples about 1/4 inch thick. As cut, put
apples in bowl and mix to slow browning. Drain and discard liquid.
Mix 3 1/2 cups granulated sugar (or to taste), 1 1/4 cups flour,
cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice; add to apples. Gently mix
until all slices are coated. Pour the apples slices and juices into a
2-inch-deep, 14-inch-wide round pan, and spread the fruit level. 2.
MAKE PASTRY: In a food processor or bowl, combine 3 1/4 cups flour
and powdered sugar. Cut butter and shortening into small pieces and
add to flour mixture. Whirl or cut with a pastry cutter until mixture
is coarse crumbs. Add ice water a little at a time, stirring with a
fork, just until dough holds together. Pat pastry into a ball, if
making ahead, flatten ball to make a 1/4-inch-thick round ( or shape
of baking pan), wrap airtight, and chill up to 1 day. Lightly dust
both sides of pastry with flour, then roll out on a well-floured
board to make a round 3 to 5 inches wider than pan. As you roll,
occasionally check under pastry to make sure it’s not sticking; dust
with flour if it is. Moisten edges of any tear, overlap slightly, and
press together. Slide a long spatula under pastry to release if it
sticks to the board. Gently fold pastry into quarters. Support pastry
with both hands to lift off board. Place on apple filling with the
tip of the triangle in the center of the pan. Unfold carefully to
cover fruit. Trim pastry, leaving 1 1/2-inches overhanging pan rim.
Fold edge of pastry under so it extends only about 1/2 inch beyond
rim, then press pastry firmly against rim, fluting the edge. Slash
pastry top decoratively. 3. MAKE DECORATIONS: Gather pastry scraps
into a ball and roll 1/8 inch thick on a lightly floured board. Cut
decorative pieces, such as leaves or apples; brush 1 side with egg
yolk mixture. Arrange pieces, egg side down, on pie. Brush top of pie
with egg yolk mixture; sprinkle with 1 Tbs sugar. 4. On a baking
sheet without sides, lay a piece of foil several inches larger all
around than the apple pie (you may need to fold 2 strips of foil
together to make a piece that’s large enough). Set pie on foil, and
foil very loosely up around pan to catch any juices that boil over.
Set stacked pans on bottom oven rack. 5. Bake pie in a 375 F oven
until the crust is well browned, juices are bubbling, and apples in
center are tender when pierced, 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Check occasionally
after 1 hour, and cover with foil any parts of the crust that are
browned. 6. Set pie on a rack and let cool at least 2 hours; it will
still be warm. If making ahead, let, then cover and chill. To reheat,
lightly cover pie with foil and bake in a 350 F oven until warm in
the center, about 1 hour. 7. Serve pie warm or cool. Cut into about
2-inch squares and use a large spoon to scoop out portions. Store
leftovers, covered, in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Per serving: 410 cal, 29% (117 cal) from fat; 3 g protein; 13 g fat
(7.6 g sat); 73 g carbo; 119 mg sodim; 40 mg chol.

24 servings

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