Lentils With Spiedini

  • on December 4, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 oz Olive oil Breasts — cut in 1″
1/2 oz Prosciutto — minced Cubes
1/2 lb Lentils — soak overnight 2 Peppers — cut in 1″
2 oz Carrot — minced Squares
2 oz Celery — minced 1/2 Loaf Italian bread, crust
2 oz Onion — minced Removed — cut in 1″
10 oz Chicken stock Cubes
1 pn Salt 1 lb Italian sausage — cut in 1″
1 pn Black pepper Pieces
8 Wooden skewers Additonal olive oil for
1 1/2 lb Boneless skinless chicken Brushing skewers

STEP ONE: Prepare Lentils– To prepare lentils, heat 1 ounce olive
oil in sauce pot. Add prosciutto and cook over medium heat until
slightly brown. Add drained lentils and stir to coat with olive oil.
Add minced vegetables and lightly saute over medium heat about 2 to 3
minutes. Add chicken stock and simmer on low heat until lentils are
soft. Season. Set aside.

STEP TWO: Prepare Spiedini (skewers)– To prepare spiedini, skewer in
following order: chicken, pepper, chicken, bread, sausage, bread,
chicken, pepper, chicken. Lightly brush assembled skewers in olive
oil. Grill over low fire until golden brown and cooked through, about
2 to 3 minutes per side. Serve on bed of lentils.

8 servings

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