Shoofly Pie

  • on February 8, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

3/4 c All-Purpose Flour — (Plus 1 5 tb Butter
Tbs) 1/3 c Molasses
1 c Light Brown Sugar — firmly 1 Egg
Packed 3/4 ts Baking Soda
3/4 ts Baking Powder 3/4 c Boiling Water
pn Salt 1 9 Inch Pie Shell — unbaked

* Preheat oven to 350 F.
1. Prepare the crumb topping: In a bowl, blend 3/4 cup of flour, 3/4
cup of brown sugar, baking powder, salt and butter. Rub them together
until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2. Make the filling: In a bowl, mix together remaining 1/4 cup of
light brown sugar, molasses, egg, remaining Tbs of flour and baking
soda. Pour on boiling water and mix well.
3. Pour filling into unbaked pie shell and sprinkle crumb topping
evenly over top. Bake in center of oven for 35 mins, or until filling
is set and does not quiver when pan is shaken. (Do not overbake or
the pie will be dry.)

Submission by Minnie Schlegel to section on the BLOOMSBURG FAIR of
Bloomsburg, PA. Fair dates: 3rd Sat after Labor Day for 8 days.

1 servings

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