Crab And Green Onion Pie

  • on April 14, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

1 Pie crust 1 c Half and half
3/4 c Cheese, shredded 2 tb Lemon juice
2 tb Butter 1/2 ts Lemon peel, grated
6 Onions, green 1/4 ts Salt
1/2 lb Crabmeat 1/4 ts Dry mustard
4 Eggs 3/4 c Cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 350. Bake pie crust 10 minutes. Sprinkle bottom of
pie crust with cheese. Chop onions. Melt butter in frying pan. Add
onions and cook until soft. Gently mix with crab and spoon evenly
over cheese in pie crust. In bowl, beat eggs with half and half,
lemon juice, lemon peel, salt, and mustard. Pour over crab mixture.
Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 55-60 minutes, until center is set and
firm. Let cool 15 minutes. Serve warm. Can also be served at room

20 servings

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