Pierogi With Meat

  • on April 27, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

1 x ———-stuffing———- 2 c Leftover meat pieces
2 ea Slices wet bread squeezed 1 ea Onion, chopped
1 tb Bacon drippings 1 x Salt and pepper
3 ea Slices bacon, diced 1 x ———–dough————
1 ea Egg 3 1/4 c Flour
1 x Salt 1/2 c Water
1 1/2 tb Butter, melted 1 1/2 tb Bread crumbs

Grind the meat with bread. Add the onions which have been sauteed in the
drippings. Season with salt and pepper. To prepare dough, mix the egg
with the flour, add a dash of salt and as much water as needed to knead a
smooth loose dough. Roll out as thinly as you can. Cut out 2 1/2 to 3
inch squares. Put a little of the stuffing on each square. Fold to form a
triangle, pinch the edges together. Cook in a large kettle with boiling
salted water on high heat for 5 minutes. Remove with a colander spoon to a
warmed serving platter. Add the bread crumbs to the butter and fry for a
few minutes on low heat. Pour over the pierogi.

9 servings

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