Natchitoches Meat Pies

  • on January 31, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

8 c Flour 1 c Shortening
2 ts Baking powder 2 Eggs, beaten
4 ts Salt 2 1/4 c Milk

1 lb Lean ground beef 5 Cloves garlic, minced
1 lb Lean ground pork 1 tb Flour
1 md Onion, chopped 1 ts Salt
1 md Green pepper chopped 1/2 ts Pepper
1 Bunch scallions chopped 1/2 ts Red pepper

For the pastery: Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Cut
in shortening with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal.
Combine eggs and milk and gradually add to the flour mixture until the dry
ingredients are moistened. Shape into a ball (pastry will be stiff). Enough
for 20 meat pies. For the filling: Brown meat in skillet, stirring until it
crumbles. Remove from skillet and drain, reserving drippings in skillet.
Saute onion, pepper, scallions and garlic until tender. Return meat to
skillet and stir in flour and seasonings. Divide pastry into four portions.
Roll out one portion to1/8 inch and cut 5 circles using a 6-inch saucer.
Reroll dough as necessary. Spoon about1/4 cup mixture on half of the dough
circle, moisten edges and fold circle over meat mixture. Use a fork dipped
in flour to crimp the edges closed. Heat oil 3″ deep in skillet or fryer to
375 degrees. Fry until browned, turning once. Drain on paper towels and
serve at once. These pies may be made and frozen uncooked. Thaw in
refrigerator overnight before cooking.

6 servings

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