Sausage-corn-cheese Pie

  • on May 19, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 lb Bulk pork sausage
1 lg Onion, chopped
1 c Shredded Swiss Cheese
1 Egg, beaten
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg
1 c Self-rising cornmeal
1 1/2 c Milk
4 tb Melted margarine

In skillet cook sausage and onion until meat is brown and onion is tender;
break up sausage with fork. Stir in cheese, egg and nutmeg. Combine
cornmeal, milk, and margarine; pour into buttered baking pan. Spoon sausage
over mixture evenly. Bake at 350 degrees twenty- five to thirty minutes.
Serve hot, cut in squares or wedges.

1 Servings

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