Velvety Chocolate Cream Pie

  • on October 15, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

My older brother’s birthday. Omit the pastry crust and
It *really* is good. So Use it as a
Good in fact, Pudding recipe 🙂 -Shelley
That I’m simply going to

9-inch baked pastry shell or crumb crust,cooled 1/3 cup Hershey’s
Cocoa 1 1/4 cups sugar 1/3 cup cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 cups
milk 3 tablespoons butter 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Prepare shell; set aside. Combine cocoa,sugar,cornstarch and salt in
medium saucepan. Gradually blend milk into dry ingredients, stirring
until smooth. Cookover medium heat,stirring constantly,until mixture
boils; boil and stir 3 minutes. Remove from heat; blend in butter and
vanilla. Pour into pastry shell; carefully press plastic wrap
directly onto pie filling. Chill 3 to 4 hours. Serve with sweetened
whipped cream or whipped topping. Garnish with chocolate curls if
desired. 8 servings

**My Note I painted the inside of the baked crust with melted
chocolate. Then I added cocoa powder to the sweetened whipped cream.

1 servings

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