Oweetis Frye’s Fresh Peach Pie

  • on November 17, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

4 c Peaches, fresh, sliced 3 tb Tapioca
4 ts Lemon Juice 1/4 ts Salt
1 1/4 c Granulated Sugar 2 tb Butter

2 c Flour 4 tb Cold Milk Or Water
3/4 ts Salt (To 5 Tbs)
2/3 c Lard

*Preheat oven to 425 F.

1. Make the filling by gently tossing the peaches, lemon juice, sugar,
tapioca and salt together, in a large bowl. Set aside for 15 mins to
let tapioca soften.

2. Make the crust, by combining the flour and salt and cut in the
lard with a pastry blender until the largest lumps are the size of
small peas. With a fork, mix in enough cold milk or water to make a
smooth dough.

3. Divide the dough in half and roll out the bottom crust; fitting it
into an 8- or 9-inch pie plate.

4. Place the filling in the pie and dot with butter. Roll out the top
crust and place on the pie, crimping the edges to seal. Cut
decorative vents and bake for 10 mins, then lower the heat to 350 F
and bake for another 30 mins, or until crust is nicely browned.

From the BUCHANAN COUNTY FAIR of Independence, Iowa. Fair dates: 3rd
week of July, for 7 days.

1 servings

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