Potato Pie Dessert (irish)

  • on February 12, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 lb Boiled potatoes 1 tb Orange extract
1/4 lb Butter, melted 6 x Eggs*
3/4 lb Sugar 4 fl Whiskey
3 x Almonds, pounded

Mash the potatoes until lump-free. Separate the yolks and whites of
the eggs and beat separately; the yolks until lemon-colored, the
whites until stiff. Add the almonds, orange extract, sugar and egg
yolks to the potatoes; mix well, then add the glass of whiskey, and
when combined, fold in the egg whites. Have ready a greased and
floured cake pan with a greased piece of butcher paper/baking
parchment in the bottom. (Or alternately, prepare 2 pie crusts and
fill them with the mixture.) Bake at 375F for 40-45 minutes.

4 servings

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