Dutch Rhubarb Pie

  • on April 20, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1 Pie shell-9″-uncooked
1/4 ts Cloves
1 l Rhubarb-fresh
1/4 ts Cinnamon
1 c Sugar
2/3 c Evaporated milk
1/3 c Flour
1 ts Butter; melted
1/4 ts Salt

Wash and trim rhubarb and cut into 1/2 inch slices-to make about 3 1/2
cups. Place in unbaked pie shell. In a small mixing bowl, mix
together the sugar, flour, salt and spices. Blend in evaporated milk
to the melted butter and add to the sugar mixture and pour all, over
the rhubarb. Bake in a 400′ oven for 25 minutes. Reduce temp to 375′
and continue baking for 25 minutes. Cover with foil the last 10 mins
to prevent overbrowning of crust. Cool and serve.

8 servings

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