Great Gorpies

  • on July 26, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c Margarine 2 c Flour (white or half white
1 c Brown sugar -and half whole-wheat)
1 Handful* raisins 1 ts Baking soda
1 Handful* peanuts 2 ts Milk
1 Handful* chocolate chips

Cream shortening and sugar till smooth. Add all the handfuls. Mix
well, then add combined flour and baking soda. Add milk. Drop by
tablespoons on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350~ about 10 minutes or
until done. Leave on cookie sheet a minute or two before lifting them
off, as they might crumble. Makes 3 doz. *Handfuls are adult
handfuls. If children are making this they will need 2-3 handfuls.
Ratio of handfuls can be adjusted – you might want to go heavier on
the raisins and peanuts and lighter on the chocolate chips.

36 servings

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