Lucy Dykstra’s Apple Pie In A Jar

  • on November 19, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

10 c Water 1 ts Salt
4 1/2 c Granulated Sugar 3 tb Fresh Lemon Juice
1 c Cornstarch, sieved Apples, Peeled & Slice
2 ts Ground Cinnamon (To Fill 7 Qt Jars)
1/2 ts Nutmeg, freshly grated

1. Make the syrup by putting the water in a large heavy pot and stir
in the sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Bring to a boil,
stirring constantly, and continue boiling until syrup is thick and
bubbling. Add lemon juice.

2. Fill clean Mason jars with sliced apples. Cover apples with syrup.
Seal and process in a boiling water bath for 20 mins.

NOTE: Use as you might a can of prepared apple filling.

From the YAKIMA VALLEY JUNIOR FAIR of Grandview, WA. Fair Dates:
mid-August, for 4 days.

7 servings

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