Caramel Turtle Pie

  • on February 21, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Pecans, finely ground 1/4 c Butter or margarine
1/4 c Sugar

1 Bag caramels (14oz) 1/3 c Milk
3 tb Milk 1/4 c Icing sugar, sifted
1 c Pecans, chopped 1/2 ts Vanilla
8 oz Semi sweet chocolate

Prep time: 20 minutes
Bake time: 12 minutes

Heat oven to 350F. Combine the pecans, sugar and butter, mix well and
pat into a 9 inch pie plate. Bake 12-15 minutes. Cool. Melt the
caramels with the milk over low heat, stirring until smooth. Pour
over crust. Chill 10 minutes. Sprinkle pecans over caramel layer.
Melt the chocolate with 1/3 cup milk and the sugar over low hear and
pour over the nuts, spreading to the edge. Sprinkle additional
pecans over top. Chill thoroughly. Makes 10-12 servings.

Origin: Festive Recipes, by Baker’s Chocolate flyer.
Shared by: Sharon Stevens, Dec/95.

10 servings

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