Angel Pecan Pie

  • on December 1, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

3 Egg whites
1 c Sugar
2 tb Sugar
2 ts Vanilla
1 c Crisp round cracker crumbs
1 1/2 c Pecans (chopped)
1 c Heavy cream
1/4 ts Almond flavoring

Beat egg whites until foamy. Add 1 cup sugar a little at a time, beating
after each addition. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Continue beating until
mixture holds soft peaks. Mix cracker cumbs and 1 cup pecans. Fold into
meringue mixture a little at a time. Spoon mixture into an 8″ pie plate tp
form a shell. Pull up mixture into peaks around edge of plate with mack of
spoon. Spread evenly. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 F, for 30 minutes.
Cool thoroughly on a wire cake rack. Mix cream, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1
teaspoon vanilla and almond flavoring. Whip until thick and shiny. Spoon
into cold pie shell. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup chopped pecans round edge
of cream. Using a sharp knife, cut like a pie.

Makes 6 – 8 servings

SOURCE: Mama’s Favorite Recipes (Frances Turfitt) Shared by Nancy Coleman

6 Servings

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