Tamale Pie Rancheros

  • on May 15, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

2 tb Vegetable oil -drained (16 oz)
1/4 c Chopped onion 1 c Cornmeal
1/4 c Chopped green pepper 1 ts Basil
3/4 lb Ground beef 1/8 ts Pepper
1 cn Stewed tomatoes (16 oz) 2 tb Mild green chilis
1 cn VEG-ALL Mixed Vegetable, 1/2 c Shredded cheddar cheese

1. Heat oil in heavy skillet. Add onion and green pepper; cook over
low heat until soft.

2. Add ground beef and brown.

3. Stir in remaining ingredients, except for cheese.

4. Place in a 9″ pie pan and bake at 375’F. for 30-35 minutes.

5. Sprinkle with cheese and bake 5 minutes longer.

6 servings

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