8 oz Flour
2 oz Cornflour
1 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Bicarbonate of soda
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
1/2 oz Fresh yeast, finely crumbled
8 oz Sugar
4 oz Lard or butter
1/4 pt Milk
1 Egg
1/2 lb Currants or sultanas
2 oz Chopped candied lemon
Or orange peel
Set oven to 350/F or Mark 4. Sift together the flour, cornflour, baking
powder, bicarbonate of soda and spices. Rub in the crumbled yeast, then
stir in the sugar. Cut the fat into flakes arzd rub into the dry
ingredients. Beat together the milk and egg and stir into the mixture; then
add the dried fruit and candied peel and combine well together. Turn into a
well-greased and lined 10 inch cake tin. Cover and leave in a warm place
for 30 minutes to rise; then cook for 2 hours, covering the top of the cake
if it browns too quickly. When removed from the oven the top of the cake
can be lightly brushed with a little milk, while still hot, to give a
sheen. Serve in slices, eithei- plain or spread with butter.
1 Cake