Basic Cream Pie

  • on May 4, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Milk
2 c Sugar
3 to 4 T. flour
3 md Eggs
3 to 4 T. butter
1 ts Vanilla
2 tb Cocoa powder
1 9-inch pie crust; baked

Pour milk into heavy saucepan. (well-seasoned iron skillet or pan is
preferred). Separate eggs, add egg yolks to milk and beat in with wire
whip. Turn burner to med. heat. In separate bowl, mix together flour, cocoa
powder and sugar. Stir into milk/egg mixture. Cook and stir with wire whip
until mixture begins to thicken. Add butter and continue to stir until
mixture is thick. Stir in vanilla and pour into baked pie shell. Make your
favorite meringue using reserved egg whites. Spread over pie filling. Brown
in 350 degree oven till meringue is slightly browned. Watch carefully, it
won’t take too long.

VARIATIONS: For coconut cream pie, add 1 to 1-1/2 c. coconut and about 1/2
t. coconut extract to mixture when it begins to thicken. Sprinkle coconut
on top of meringue prior to browning. You can substitute brown sugar for
white, leave off cocoa for butterscotch pie. Leave out cocoa and add sliced
bananas for banana cream pie. This recipe was given to my mother by Josie
Marcum who had a restaurant in Jamestown many years ago.

8 Servings

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