Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

  • on October 21, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

6 oz Pkg Nestle Chocolate Chips
6 oz Pkg Nestle Butterscotch
1/4 c Peanut butter
4 c Rice Krispies

Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

Slowly melt chips and peanut butter in a large kettle over low heat. Remove
from heat and stir in Rice Krispies. Turn Mixture out into a buttered 9
X 13 cake pan and gently flatten until level. Place in refrigerator (or ice
box for fast setup) until treats are hard.

Note: Generic chips don’t work well. Stick with Nestles. P.S. Bet you
can’t eat just one!


6 Servings

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