Chocolate-pecan Mud Pie

  • on November 5, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

6 oz Chocolate wafer cookies
1 1/2 tb Granulated sugar
3 tb Butter; melted, warm

1/2 lb Bittersweet or semisweet
2 Egg yolks
3 tb Strong coffee
1/4 c Granulated sugar
1/4 lb Butter; cut into pieces
3 Egg whites
2 ts Lukewarm water
6 oz Pecans; shelled halves
1 c Light brown sugar
1 pn Salt
1/2 c Butter
1/4 c (to 1/3) heavy cream
2 tb Dark rum

Preheat oven to 350?.

CRUST: Insert metal blade in dry processor container. Process chocolate
cookie wafers with sugar to fine crumb consistency. With machine running,
drizzle melted butter through food chute, clean container side with a
spatula and process 5 seconds more. Press crumb crust into an 11-inch
fluted tart pan with removable bottom. Chill 5 minutes. Bake 5 minutes and
set aside to cool.

MOUSSE: Put half of the chocolate in dry processor container. With machine
running, add remaining chunks through food chute and process until
chocolate is ground to small bead consistency. Add egg yolks.

Heat coffee, sugar and butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Stir
until sugar dissolves. Heat to simmering. With machine running, pour hot
butter mixture through food chute in a thin stream. Stop to clean container
side with a spatula and process 5 seconds longer. Transfer to a mixing

Wash and dry processor container and blade. Mix egg whites with water and
process, drizzling whites through food chute. Process until whites are
whipped to firm peaks, usually 1 1/2 minutes. Fold whites into chocolate
mixture and refrigerate until partially set.

Dry processor container and blade with paper toweling.

CARAMEL MIXTURE: Very coarsely chop 4 ounces (about 1 cup) of pecans using
one-second pulses; set aside and set remaining whole pecans aside.

Heat sugar, salt and butter, stirring until dissolved. Add cream and rum.
Heat to boiling and simmer until caramel thickens to a consistency that
coats the back of a spoon. Transfer half of the caramel to a small
saucepan; set aside. Add chopped pecans to caramel remaining in pan, stir
and immediately pour onto bottom of crumb crust, carefully spreading into
an even layer. Refrigerate until caramel sets.

ASSEMBLY: Spoon chocolate mousse on caramel-nut layer. Spread top of mousse
smooth. Refrigerate until firmly set.

Reheat remaining caramel over low heat (add 2 tablespoons cream to mixture
to thin, if necessary). Place pecan halves in a decorative design on top of
mousse. When caramel has cooled slightly, pour evenly over top of tart and
distribute evenly with a pastry brush. Refrigerate until caramel becomes
firm, about 2 hours. Cut with a hot knife.

NOTES : Chocolate mousse, caramel and pecans in an intense, incredibly rich
chocolate experience This is the kind of dessert you serve to strangers,
then they taste it, their eyes widen and they exclaim “You made this??!?”

8 Servings

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