Kitchenaid Pie Pastry

  • on March 27, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

2 1/4 c Flour, all-purpose 2 tb Butter or margarine, chilled
3/4 c Shortening, well chilled 5 tb Or 6 water, well chilled

Sift flour and salt into bowl. Cut shortening and butter into 4 to 5
pieces and drop into bowl. Attach bowl and flat beater. Turn to Stir
Speed and cut shortening into flour until particles are size of small
peas, about 30 seconds.
Add water, a tablespoon at a time, until all particles are moistened. Use
only enough water to make pastry form a ball. Watch dough closely as
over mixing will result in a tough crust.
Chill in refrigerator 15 minutes. Roll to 1/8-inch thickness between
pieces of waxed paper. Fold pastry into quarters; ease into pie plate and
unfold, pressing firmly against bottom and side. Trim and crimp edges.
Fill and bake as desired.
Yield: Two 8 or 9-inch single crust or one 8 or 9-inch double crust.
For Baked Pastry Shell: Prick sides and bottom with fork. Bake at 450F
for 8 to 10 minutes until light brown. Cool completely before filling.
HINT: I also chill the wax paper and rolling pin.

2 servings

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