Blueberry-coconut Pie

  • on November 5, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

9 Inch pastry shell, unbaked 1/4 c Sugar
1 Egg, well beaten 1 pk (10 oz) frozen blueberries
1 1/4 c Flaked coconut -(unsweetened)
1/4 c Chopped walnuts 2/3 c Sugar
1/4 c Light corn syrup 1 c (1/2 pint) heavy cream,
1 tb Flour -whipped
1/4 ts Salt

Source: Sunset Magazine, December 1961

You can take this pie out of your freezer just before serving it.

Make pastry shell from your own recipe or use a mix; bake as directed
except remove it from the oven after only 5 minutes baking, and reduce oven
temperature to moderately hot (375?). Meanwhile combine the egg with the
coconut, nuts, syrup, flour, salt, and the 1/4 cup sugar; spread in the
bottom of partly baked pastry shell. Return pie to oven and bake for 15
minutes; cool thoroughly. Crush the frozen blueberries and combine with the
2/3 cup sugar; fold into the whipped cream. Pour the berry mix- ture over
cooled coconut mixture and freeze. Serves 6.

When they are in season, use 2 cups fresh blueberries to replace the frozen
ones in this recipe; chill berry mixture before folding into cream.

6 servings

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