S’more Pie

  • on April 28, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 Keebler Ready Graham Cracker
12 oz HERSHEY candy bar — broken
In pieces
6 oz Hot Fudge — warmed
30 Regular
3/4 c Milk
2 1/2 c Whipped Cream — save 1C.for

In sauce pan, melt Chocolate, Marshmallows and Milk over low heat, while
stirring – Cool Fold 1-1/2 Cup Whipped Cream into Choc Mixture Spread a
thin layer of Warm Hot Fudge over bottom of pie crust Gently spoon cooked
mixture into crust Top with reserved whipped cream Garnish with Chocolate
syrup topping Refrigerate 3 hours or until set VARIATIONS: Use chocolate
almond, or Chocolate Peanut candy bar or simply add 1/4 Cups of Nuts to
chocolate mixture. Our hostess decorated the whole top with slivered
Almonds and it was great!

1 Servings

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