Pear Tart

  • on February 19, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

7 oz Butter — melted
9 oz Flour
4 Eggs
3 To 4
1/2 “size
1/3 oz Salt
1/3 oz Baking powder
1 Pate Sablee Tart Shell
Pate Sable (Makes 2 Tart
5 oz Flour
2 1/2 oz Butter — unsalted
1 3/4 oz Sugar — powdered
1 Egg
Pears — small cubes

Make the Pate Sablee tart shell (see below), and line a 9″ tart pan with
it. Or, use your own recipe for pastry. –Peel, core and cube pears, and
sprinkle with some liquor. In a bowl, put eggs and sugar and mix by hand.
Sift the flour into the mixture and stir. Next, stir in melted butter. Add
baking powder and salt and stir. Add the pears to the mix. –Pour
everything into the “uncooked” tart pastry and bake at 300 degrees for
25-30 minutes, or until slightly browned. Let cool and then garnish with a
sprinkle of powdered sugar on top. —-Note; As soon as baking powder is
in contact with liquid it starts to work. Don’t make the mix too far ahead
or it won’t rise in the oven. Pate Sable: Cream butter. Add powdered sugar.
When just mixed, add the egg. At this stage, the batter will look like
there are clumps of butter in it. Add the flour and mix in for 30 seconds.
Don’t over work the dough. Refrigerate until cold and firm. Roll out thin
on a floured board. (You must work fast, or the dough will soften). Handle
the dough as little as possible so the dough will be flaky instead of over
worked and elastic or tough.

1 Servings

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