Banana-orange Cream Pie

  • on April 30, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 9 inch pie crust; baked
3 Bananas
1 c Sour cream
1 c Milk
Instant vanilla pudding
-mix; family size
1 tb Margarine; melted
2 tb Orange marmalade; melted

Spread the orange marmalade evenly and in a thin layer in baked pie
crust. You can also use apricot preserves with tasty results. Use
thoroughly ripened bananas. Slice the bananas on top of the marmalade.
Combine sour cream and milk; stir in pudding mix. Blend until smooth and
slightly thick. Mix in the melted margarine.
Pour over the bananas. Chill.

6 Servings

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