Black And White Chocolate Macaroon Tart W/raspberry Sauce

  • on April 28, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Sweetened flaked coconut
2 tb All-purpose flour
1/2 ts Salt
2 lg Egg whites
1/3 c Sugar

2 lg Egg yolks
2/3 c Heavy cream
6 oz Bittersweet chocolate;
2 tb Rum
6 oz White chocolate; chopped
1/2 c Sour cream

10 oz Frozen raspberries in light
-syrup; thawed

Make the macaroon shell: Preheat the oven to 375F. Butter generously the
bottom and sides of a 9-inch square or 10-inch round tart pan with a
removable bottom, line the bottom with parchment paper. and butter the
paper. In a bowl toss together the coconut, the flour, and the salt. In
another bowl whisk together the egg whites and the sugar until the mixture
is white and foamy, stir the sugar mixture into the coconut mixture, and
with a rubber spatula spread the mixture evenly on the bottom and up the
sides of the pan. Bake the shell in the middle of the oven for 20 to 25
minutes, or until it is firm and golden, loosen it from the sides of the
pan with a small knife, and remove the sides of the pan. Let the shell cool
completely on a rack, remove the bottom of the pan. peeling off the paper
from the botton of the shell, and put the shell on a platter.

Make the filling: In a small metal bowl whisk together the egg yolks and
the heavy cream, set the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and cook
the mixture whisking constantly, until it is thickened and registers 160
F. on a candy thermometer. Remove the bowl from the pan, add the
bittersweet chocolate, stirring until the chocolate is melted, and stir in
the rum. In another small metal bowl set over the pan of barely simmering
water, melt the white chocolate, stirring, stir in the sour cream and stir
the mixture until it is just smooth. Remove the bowl from the pan and let
the white and dark chocolate mixtures cool to warm. stirring frequently.

Spoon the chocolate mixtures into th macaroon shell, alternating them,
shake the platter gently to settle the filling. and draw the back of a
knife through the chocolate mixtures to swirl them together. Chill the
tart, covered loosely, for 8 hours. or until it is set. The tart may be
made 1 day in advance and kept covered and chilled.

Make the raspberry sauce: Force the raspberries through a fine sieve into a
bowl pressing hard on the solids, scrape the pulp from the underside of the
sieve into the sauce, and whisk the sauce until it is combined well. The
sauce may be made 2 days in advance and kept covered and chilled.

Arrange slices of the tart on each of dessert plates and pour some ofthe
raspberry sauce around them.
Per serving: 374 Calories; 25g Fat (58% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 37g
Carbohydrate; 87mg Cholesterol; 170mg Sodium

8 Servings

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