Mc Quick Apple Pie

  • on April 23, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Grape nuts cereal
6 lg Delicious apples; thinly
1/3 c Frozen apple juice conc
1/2 ts Coriander
1 tb Cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 400. Crush the grape nuts with a rolling pin and
spread over the bottom of a covered casserole dish. Mix the apples,
juice and spices in a bowl. Spread the apple mixture over the ceral
in the casserole and pour any juice left in the bowl over the apple
slices. Sprinkle with additional cinnamon, if desired.

Cover and bake 45 mins, or until apples are tender. Remove cover and
return to oven to allow pie to brown for 10-15 mins longer
From the McDougall Plan by John McDougall

6 servings

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