Basic Cream Pie

  • on May 5, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c AM Pastry Flour
4 tb Unrefined vegetable oil
3 tb Cold water

2 c Milk
-OR- soymilk
— (plain or flavored)
1/2 c Honey or other syrup
3 Egg yolks
1 tb Vanilla
1/4 c Arrowroot powder
-OR- corn starch
1 tb Cold water
3 Egg whites
— beaten until peaks form
— (beat while pudding
— is cooling)

CRUST: Mix all ingredients. Roll out between wax paper, place in 9″ pie
pan, poke bottom of crust a few times with a fork, and bake at 350 F. for
10-15 minutes.

FILLING: Combine all ingredients except egg whites in a deep saucepan.
Beat until thoroughly blended and all powder is dissolved. Cook over
medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture begins to thicken. Lower
heat and continue stirring and cooking until mixture is very thick. A
wire whisk works well and helps keep lumps from forming. Set pudding off
heat and let partially cool while preparing the egg whites. Pour pudding
into cooled crust. Top with stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake at 350 F.
until whites begin to brown, about 15 minutes. Cool.

Peanut Butter Cream Pie (add to above recipe): Stir 1/2 to 3/4 cup AM
Peanut Butter into liquids before cooking.

1 Pie

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