Black Currant And Red Currant Tarts

  • on May 1, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

Shortcrust pastry made with
— wholewheat flour
8 oz Black currants
8 oz Red currants
4 oz Honey
4 tb Chopped sweet cicely
Glace cherries or angelica,
— optional

Heat oven to 400F. Use the pastry to line 6 tart tins 2-inches deep by 2
inches diameter. Mix the currants with the honey & cicely. Fill the pastry
with the currants. Cover each tart individually with foil & place on a
baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes. Let them cool completely.

If you wish, whip up some cream & pipe it onto the tarts. Decorate with
glace cherries or angelica.

Gail Duff, “A Book of Herbs & Spices”


6 Servings

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