Brandied Fruit Starter

  • on May 8, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/4 c Apricot brandy
1 c Pineapple tidbits; drained
3 c Sugar
1 c Peaches; drained, diced
1 c Maraschino cherries;
-drained & halved
Additional fruit will be
-added after every 2 weeks;
-see instructions for

Mix all ingredients & let stand at room temperature in a GLASS container;
stir gently once each day. After 2 weeks, add 1 cup peaches & 1 cup sugar.
Two weeks later, add 1 cup maraschino cherries & 1 cup sugar. Two weeks
after that, add 1 cup pineapple bits & 1 cup sugar. Two weeks later, begin
to repeat the cycles. Never allow starter to get below 1 cup. Never cover
tightly or refrigerate. Use only a wooden or plastic spoon for stirring &
dipping. Great served over ice cream!

From the The Bliss of Cooking Returns, Fort Bliss Officers Wives Club,
Ft. Bliss, TX. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

1 Servings

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