Sweet Corn Pie – Bon Appetit

  • on May 31, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 tb Butter
1 pk (10-oz) frozen corn kernels
3 Green onions, chopped
2 tb Chopped celery leaves
1/3 c Soft herb cheese (such as
2 Eggs
2 Egg yolks
2 tb All purpose flour
1 1/4 c Half and half
1 pk (15-oz) All Ready Pie
-Crusts, room temperature

Preheat oven to 375’F. Melt butter in heavy medium skillet over
medium-low heat. Add corn and saute 5 minutes. Add green onions and
celery leaves and toss to heat through. Remove from heat.

Mix cheese, eggs, yolks and flour in medium bowl. Grudually add half
and half, stirring until mixture is smooth; add corn mixture.

Unfold crusts on work surface and press out fold lines. Line
9-inchdia- meter pie dish with 1 crust. Spoon filling into
crust-lined dish. Arrange second crust over; pinch edges together to
seal and crimp decoratively. Cut several shts in top crust to allow
steam to escape.

Bake pie until filling is puffed and golden, about 45 minutes. Let
stand 15 minutes; serve warm.

NOTE: 6 main-course or 8 side dish servings

6 servings

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