Cheesy Green Chili Tart

  • on June 7, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

2 All-ready pie pastries
1 c Chedder cheese, shredded
4 oz Can chopped green chilis,
1 c Monterey Jack cheese,
1/4 ts Chili powder
1 c Salsa
Garlic Powder to taste

Let pie pastries stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Place 1 pastry
circle on greased baking sheet. Layer with cheddar cheese, green chilis and
Monterey Jack cheese. Place remaining pie pastry over layers, sealing edges
with fork. Prick surface with fork; sprinkle with chili powder and garlic
powder. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 to 15 mniutes or until golden brown. Let
stand for 5 minutes. Cut into wedges; serve with salsa.

16 Servings

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