Cherry Almond Tart

  • on June 9, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c (2 oz) finely ground
Blanched almonds
1 3/4 c Flour
1/2 c Confectioners sugar
1/2 c Chilled unsalted butter cut
In small pieces
1 Lightly beaten egg
1 cn (21 oz) cherry pie filling
2 tb Orange liqueur
1 ts Grated orange zest

Combine almonds, flour & sugar in bowl of food processor. Scatter
butter on top & process just until mix resembles coarse crumbs. Add
egg & process just until dough gathers in a ball. Divide dough into
two pieces, one slightly larger than other, & wrap & chill for 30
minutes. Preheat oven to 375. Combine pie filling, liqueur & zest.
Roll out larger piece of dough into 11″ circle & place in 9″ tart pan
with removable bottom, trim edges. Roll smaller disk to 10″ circle.,
cut into ten 3/4″ wide strips for lattice top. Spoon filling into
pan. Arrange strips of dough on top of filling. Trim to fit & gently
press ends into pastry shell. Bake until pastry is golden brown,
40-45 minutes. Cool on wire rack 10-20 minutes. Remove side of pan &
let cool completely. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.


1 Servings

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