Cherry Cheesecake Tarts

  • on June 10, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

Almond pastry:
1/4 c Butter
3/4 c Flour
2 tb Finely chopped almonds
1 tb Sugar
1 ds Salt
Maraschino cheesecake tarts:
1 pk Lowfat cream cheese;
2 tb Sugar
1 Egg
1 1/2 ts Lemon juice
1/2 ts Grated lemon peel
1/4 ts Almond extract
1/2 c Drained chopped cherries;
-fresh or frozen
Apricot preserves

Almond pastry for tarts: mix together flour, chopped almonds, sugar, and
salt. Cut butter into mixture until texture resembles coarse crumbs. Tarts:
preheat oven to 400 degrees. Press 1 tablespoon almond pastry into 2
1/2 inch tart pans. Prick pastry with fork. Bake 5-10 minutes until
lightly browned. Beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add egg, lemon
juice, lemon peel and almond extract and blend well. Spoon 1 teaspoon
cherries over pastry. Pour cream cheese mixture over cherries. Reduce oven
temperature to 350 degrees. Bake 12-15 minutes or until cream cheese layer
is set. Cool completely before removing from tart pans. Top each tart with
warmed apricot preserves.

1 Servings

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