Chili-beef Pie

  • on June 16, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 lb Extra lean ground beef
1 1/ c chopped yellow onion
1 c Fresh corn kernels; or
-frozen and thawed
1 c Chopped green bell pepper
1 ts Minced garlic
1 cn (28 ounces) whole tomatoes
-with thick tomato pure?;
1 cn (6 ounces) reduced-sodium
-tomato paste
1 cn (15 1/2 ounces) red kidney
-beans; drained
1 tb Chili powder; or to taste
1/2 ts Hot pepper sauce or to taste

8 Flour tortillas; (10-inch),
-halved (16 semicircles)

3/4 c (6 ounces) shredded Alpine
-Lace? American Flavor
-Pasteurized Process Cheese
-Product with Jalape?o
1/4 c Minced fresh parsley

1.Preheat the oven to 450?F. For the filling, set out a large nonstick
skillet. For the pie, choose a large deep ovenproof skillet (a cast iron
one is perfect) or a deep saut? pan. Spray both skillets with nonstick
cooking spray.

2.To make the Chili-Beef Filling: In the large nonstick skillet, saut? the
beef, onions, corn, bell pepper and garlic over medium-high heat until the
beef is no longer pink.

3.Stir in the tomatoes and their pur?e, the tomato paste, kidney beans,
chili powder and hot pepper sauce; bring to a full boil. Lower the heat,
cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.

4.To assemble the pie: In the deep ovenproof skillet, spread one-third of
the beef mixture. Layer: 8 tortilla semicircles and one-third of the beef
mixture; repeat. Bake, uncovered, for 10 minutes.

5.For the Cheese Topping: Sprinkle the cheese over the pie, covering the
top completely. Bake 5 minutes more or until the cheese melts. Sprinkle
with the minced parsley. Garnish the pie with a cluster of tiny peppers and
leaves of parsley, if you wish.

Makes 12 servings
from Alpine Lace Recipes

1 Servings

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