Chili Con Carne Pie

  • on June 8, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Onion — chopped
1 Clove garlic — minced
1 1/2 lb Ground beef
8 oz Can tomato sauce
1 lb Can tomatoes — cut up
20 oz Can kidney beans — drained
1 tb Chili powder
1 ts Salt
3/4 c Cornmeal
1/4 c Flour — sifted
1/2 ts Salt
1 1/2 ts Baking powder
1 Egg
1/2 c Milk
1/4 c Soft shortening
1 tb Fresh parsley — chopped
1/4 c Parmesan cheese

Cook onion, garlic, and beef until beef is well browned. Stir in tomato
sauce, tomatoes, kidney beans, chili powder and 1 teaspoon salt. Simmer 10
minutes, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile, sift together cornmeal, flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and baking
powder. Add egg, milk, and shortening. Beat with rotary beater until
smooth, about 1 minute. Do not overbeat. Stir in parsley.

Place hot filling in shallow 2-quart baking dish; sprinkle with Parmesan
cheese. Spoon corn bread topping around edge of dish.

Bake in 425 oven 15 to 18 minutes or until golden.

SOURCE: Farm Journal’s Great Home Cooking In America (pg. 126)

6 Servings

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