Chocolate Chip Rum Pie

  • on July 24, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 9-inch baked pie shell
1 Envelope unflavored gelatin
3/4 c Sugar
3/4 c Water
5 Egg yolks
2 c Whipped cream
1/2 c Rum; or more, to taste
2 Eggs
3/4 c Chocolate chips

In saucepan combine gelatin, sugar, and water. Cook, stirring, at low heat
to dissolve gelatin and sugar. Slowly add hot mixture to beaten egg yolks.
Return to saucepan and cook over low heat until thickened, being careful
not to let mixture boil. Cool slightly. Add rum. Chill until partially set,
then whip until light in color and texture. Whip 1 cup cream to form soft
peaks. Fold into egg mixture. Beat egg whites with dash of sugar and fold
into egg yolk-cream mixture. Fold in chocolate chips. Mound in pie shell
and chill until firm (about 4 hours). Decorate with rest of whipped cream
and extra chocolate chips.



From the Micro Cookbook Collection of Contemporary Recipes. Downloaded
from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

8 Servings

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