Peach Pie Filling

  • on July 31, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

4 qt Sliced peeled peaches (9 1/2 c Plus, 2 Tbsp. quick-cooking
-lbs.) -tapioca
1 ea Stp. powdered ascorbic ascid 1/4 c Lemon juice
1 ga Water 1 ts Salt
3 1/2 c Sugar

Place peaches in large container. Dissolve ascorbic acid in water
and pour over peaches. Drain. Combine peaches, sugar, tapioca, lemon
juice and salt. Line four 8″ pie pans with heavy duty aluminum foil,
letting it extend 5″ beyond rim. Divide filling evenly between pans.
Makes filling for four 9″ pies. To freeze, fold foil loosely over
fillings; freeze. Remove from freezer, turn filling from pans and
wrap snugly with foil. Return to freezer. Recommended storage time:
6 months. To bake, remove foil from frozen pie filling and place it,
unthawed, in a pasty lined 9″ pie pan. Dot with butter and if you
like, sprinkle on 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg or cinnamon. Adjust top
crust; flute edges and cut vents. Bake in hot oven (425 F) 1 hour and
10 minutes or until syrup boils with heavy bubbles that do not burst.

1 servings

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