Chocolate Marble Cheesecake Pie

  • on August 23, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c Reduced fat Oreo? cookie
3 tb Granulated sugar
1 tb Olive oil

8 oz Fat-free cream cheese;
14 oz Fat-free sweetened condensed
1 Egg
1 ts Pure vanilla extract
1 oz Unsweetened baking chocolate
-squares; melted

Preheat oven to 300. To prepare crust, combine cookie crumbs, sugar, and
oil in a mixing bowl. Press mixture firmly in a 9″ pie pan. To prepare
filling, combine cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, egg, and vanilla
extract in another mixing bowl. Reserve 1/4 cup of batter. Add chocolate to
reserved batter; mix well. Pour vanilla batter into pie crust. Spoon
chocolate batter over vanilla batter; cutting through batters with knife
several times for the marble effect. Bake for 35 minutes or until center
is set.

8 Servings

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