Golden Apple Pie

  • on August 20, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

6 c Golden delicious apples — 1 ts Ground cinnamon
Sliced peeled 1/2 ts Apple pie spice
3/4 c Apple juice — divided 1/4 ts Vanilla extract
Plus 2 tablespoons 2 tb Cornstarch
3/4 c Sugar

2 1/2 c All-purpose flour 6 tb Ice water — or 8
1 ts Salt Tablespoon
1 c Butter or margarine — cold

In a large saucepan, combine apples, 3/4 cup apple juice, sugar,
cinnamon, apple pie spice and vanilla; bring to a boil over med.
heat, stirring occasionally. Combine cornstarch and remaining apple
juice; add to saucepan. Return to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook
and stir 1 min. more or until thickened. Remove from the heat and
cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, in a
bowl, combine flour and salt; cut in the butter until crumbly.
Sprinkle with water, 1 tablespoon at a time; stir with a fork until
dough can be formed into a ball. Divide in half. On a lightly floured
surface, roll one half to fit a 9 in. pie plate. Place in plate and
add filling. Roll remaing pastry to fit top of pie. Place over
filling and seal edges; cut vents in the top. If desired, decorate
top of pie with pastry scraps cut into small apple shapes. Bake at
400 deg. for 40 to 45 min. or until crust is lightly browned and
apples are tender. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

8 servings

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