Pastel De Choclo (chilean Meat Pie)

  • on August 5, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 lb Coarsely ground lean beef 1/4 ts Freshly ground black pepper
1 tb To 2 tb vegetable oil 1/2 ts Oregano
1 c Chopped onion 10 ea Black olives; cut in half
1 lg Dried aji chile pod; crushed 2 c Fresh corn
-or substitute New Mexican 1 tb Milk
1/2 ts Cumin 1 1/2 ts Sugar
1 ts Paprika 1 tb Oil
1/2 ts Salt

In a heavy skillet, brown the meat, drain, and put it into a bowl.
Add the oil to the skillet, saute the onion, and add the chile,
cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, and oregano; add the sauteed mixture to
the meat and mix. Then pack the meat mixture into a shallow 4 to 4
quart ovenproof casserole dish and arrange the olives on top.
Put the corn in a blender with the milk, 1/2 teaspoons of the
sugar, and puree the corn. Heat the oil in a skillet, add the pureed
corn, and simmer, stirring, until the puree thickens. Pour this
mixture over the meat mixture and sprinkle with the remaining 1
teaspoon of sugar.
Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 45 to 60 minutes, or until the top is

Authors’ heat scale: Mild

_Hot and Spicy Latin Dishes_ from Chili Pepper Magazine Dave DeWitt,
Mary Jane Wilan, Melissa T. Stock Prima Publishing, 1995 ISBN
1-55958-484-X Typos by Jeff Pruett

6 servings

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