Splnach Pie Parma

  • on August 26, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Seasoned croutons — Shredded
Coarsely crushed 3 ea Eggs beaten
1/4 c Melted butter 1/2 ts Instant minced onion
1/4 c Parmesan cheese — grated 2 tb Dairy sour Cream
1 pk Frozen spinach 1/2 ts Garlic salt
10 oz Chopped, thawed drained Thin tomato slices,
1 c Small-curd cottage cheese Optional
1 c Monterey Jack cheese — 4 oz 2 tb Parmesan cheese — grated

Combine croutons and butter: mix well. Press into bottom of an
ungreased 9-in. pie pan. Mix together remaining ingredients except 2
tablespoons Parmesan cheese; Spoon over crust. Bake at 350 deg. for
35 minutes. Garnish with tomato slices sprinkled with reserved
Parmesan cheese. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Yield: 6-8

1 servings

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