Swiss Tuna Pie

  • on August 11, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 10 oz frozen broccoli 1/2 ts Paprika.
(chopped) 2 1/4 c Milk.
1 cn (8 1/2 oz) water chestnuts. 1/2 c Shredded swiss cheese.
1/4 c Butter or margarine. 1/2 lb Mushrooms, sliced.
1/4 c Flour. 1 12 1/2 oz can tuna.
1 ts Salt.

Chop broccoli, if not chopped. Cut water chestnuts into 1/4 inch

In a 3 qt. saucepan over low heat, melt butter, stir in flour, salt,
paprika. Gradually stir in milk and cook, stirring constantly until
mixture is thick and smooth.

Stir in broccoli, water chestnuts, cheese, prepared-peeled and cut
mushrooms, tuna. Spoon into 2 qt. casserole. Cover with lid and bake
or make pie pastry. Place pastry over tuna mixture–trim. Brush
with mixture of 1 egg yolk & 1 tsp water.

Bake at 375 for 40 minute, until crust is golden. Serves 6.

From the files of Earl Shelsby

1 servings

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